What if you are really unhappy?

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What if you are really unhappy? How can you change it? What we need to be happy I already wrote about here. But how to get out of this black hole to see any light? Start to take real baby steps towards changing your perception and awareness.  It doesn’t matter how big the steps are you are taking as long as they are taking you in the right direction. It might even be enough that you start moving at all. 

Breathe and drink water

Start with the very basic human needs. If you are in a room full of smoke or in a room or where there is not enough oxygen: Go outside, open a window or go somewhere where you get fresh air and breathe there.

Have a sip of water if you have a dry mouth or feel thirsty. No juice or anything else, just water.

If you are hungry, eat vegetables with little sugar content.

Cravings and addictions and vegetables

If you have cravings there can be several reasons. Eat vegetables and salad to accustom your body to it. Very many people are addicted to sugar. Sugar consumption lets the blood sugar go up. Once it falls you have cravings. Put a hold on it and eat vegetables instead.

If you are addicted to sugar it takes about three weeks of living without sugar to get hold of the problem. Turn to vegetables even if you remain unsatisfied for a few weeks and get over the addiction.

Sleep enough, go to the toilet

If you are tired, take a nap. Taking short naps before you exhaust yourself it is more efficient than exhausting yourself first and then sleeping a long time.

If you need to go to the toilet, just go.

Fulfill your needs

All this is common sense. The key to getting out of the black hole is to consciously fulfill those basic needs us humans have. To learn how it feels and what brings relief and makes you feel better. Maybe you believe you are hungry? You might not be hungry but thirsty instead? It takes training to distinguish how your body communicates those two needs if you have been ignoring your body for a long time.

Use common sense and be sensible

Do what you do in a sensible manner: Eat or drink a little and consciously monitor if your body thanks you for it and if you feel a little better.  If you need fresh air and go outside for oxygen at -50℃ it might be a bad idea to take a lung full without making sure the air is warm enough first.

And whatever action you take,  make sure you turn to natural resources. Eat the plants that nature provides for our nourishment. Wholegrain and raw if possible.  Breath the air nature has to offer and not out of some oxygen bottle.

Let go of what upsets you

Besides from taking steps to fulfilling your basic needs check up on yourself. Is there anything in particular that really upsets you?  Your job?  Your marriage?  Something major?  You have to attend to it and fix it and very soon!  And if you don’t believe you can fix it,  change the situation for yourself by resigning or moving out.  If you don’t act you get used to whatever bothers you. Hence you get used to being unhappy.

Tell me about your challenges?  What do you need help with?  Which challenge is hardest for you to do?  What stops you from acting and moving on?

Comment below or contact me directly.

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