About Joyfullness

Joyfullness realizes:
Most people want to be happy, have friends and fun times.
Many people aren’t happy, have no friends and a lot of worries …

My name is Sarah. Joyfullness and I are here to be your friends.

A black and white drawing of the egg-laying wool-milk-sow called Joyfullness: Sow head, sheep body, cow udder and an egg.
This is your little friend Joyfullness. An egg-laying wool-milk-sow (eierlegende Wollmilchsau).

All of us, who want to be happy and the world to be a better place, belong together – and belong to Joyfullness and me! Together we can be and make the change our world needs! So let’s stick together.

I can help and guide you towards living happily while having good times. I am living it – but I haven’t always. We can all help each other. Your input is valuable.

If we understand the basics and what it is that we need and what makes us tick, we gain control. Certain things are the same for all of us. Some make us unique and different. I have a close look for you on those topics on my blog.

I am there for you

Let’s have a conversation amongst friends. You are welcome here, your input is wanted, your messages are going to be valued. Leave your comments and thoughts on my blog posts, send me messages. Sign up if you like to receive letters from a friend and to have an easy way to get in touch by replying to it. You are not alone anymore.

Welcome home.

Life is not easy and how lonely, overwhelmed and scared people are in this materialistic world full of bureaucracy. People staring at their smartphone screens hurrying to work to earn money and yet barely making ends meet. Or making lots of money but having no-one waiting for them at home.

That’s why Joyfullness’ mission is to help bring back joy and ease to everyone who wants to live happily no matter what the circumstances are.

Enjoy what’s necessary

Imagine what your life would be like enjoying what’s necessary?

Soon there will be two types of people: People and joyful people.
Which type are you going to be?

Contact me or comment on any of my posts.

Stay in touch and receive guidance from Joyfullness.

What have you got on your mind? Tell me about your dreams. What haven’t you solved yet? Ask all the questions you have! Bring up topics that you are interested in. Let me know what bothers you. What have you got on your mind? What problem do you need to solve?

Tell me privately or share it with anybody and find out how many are facing the same challenge you do.

I am here to help you.

Enjoy what’s necessary.