What do we need to be happy?

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Foremost our physiological needs have to be fulfilled: We need water to drink, oxygen to breathe, food to eat, something to protect our body and maintain the temperature, sleep and be able to go to the toilet. All of us humans have that in common.
And on top of that? What do we need to be happy? 

This is very individual and every one of us only knows that for themselves. This includes material things, relationships, our surrounding, job, thoughts, ideas – anything you can think of really.

Good riddance to what we dislike

It is just as important, to not have anything if it doesn’t make us happy. If a coffee cup, a relationship, our house or our job doesn’t make us happy: Good riddance. We owe this to ourselves. And yes, definitely that radical! We can consciously step out of it. Our life is not a test run! This is the real deal. This is it!

You don’t know … You just don’t know …

So what do we have to do if we are not happy and don’t know what we need to make us happy?

Best is that we start to consciously monitor ourselves. Everything we touch, do, think … Do we feel a little different? And what way? Maybe nothing makes us feel happier but we notice something makes us unhappy? That is a start: Good riddance!

If it is something material, throw it away. If it is a thought, distract yourself, replace this thought by actions, engaged conversations about unrelated topics, read a catching book.

We get better at listening to ourselves. If we don’t know it at all, it helps if we change our life even randomly. Skip habits and do something different or something new every day – and feel what it does to you.

Start to get rid of what is bad for you

The key, in the beginning, is to not hang on to anything that is not good for us. If it is neutral to us it is already borderline!

Once we get rid of a bunch of things that don’t make us happy and let them go, we start feeling again what makes us happy. If there is nothing much, we have to try new things, have more experiences and be open for many different things. Sooner or later we come across what makes us happy.

Learn to be honest with yourself

Once we reach this point we automatically are going to develop a passion for something because we are starting to be honest with ourselves! And this honesty allows the passion to show and we can use it and are going to want to use it and are going to be great at it – whatever it might be.

We feel it if something makes us happy! It is very different for each of us and if we are honest we find out it is very little, what we need to be happy.

What do we need to be happy? Tell me what YOU need.

Tell me about how the journey feels for you? What are your tricks? How does the discovery of your needs towards happiness work out? What questions have you got?

Let me help you!

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